
Childrens Lighthouse

Sometimes it’s not the size of the project or the complexity of the challenge. It’s helping a first time developer reach their dream. This was the case with the Children’s Lighthouse Childhood Learning Center in San Antonio, Texas.

SBS Construction was referred to this new developer by common friends and business associates.  After the initial meeting with her, it was discovered that this was a client that had a dream of owning her own business but needed to be guided through the entire process of development, entitlements and construction.  SBS coordinated a complete design team for this project and assisted our client in every aspect of the project. Being an entrepreneur at heart, she was interested in being involved throughout the project and was an active decision maker at each phase of the process.

As the project entered the construction phase, she was their regularly donning here pink SBS hardhat proudly watching as her dream came to fruition.  She now has a successful operation and is a proud owner of her own business. The best part of construction for the SBS Team is not just putting up buildings, but assisting clients in developing successful businesses. This was one of those projects where the SBS Team walked away with a little extra pride knowing that we had a very happy client ready to take over her own business.